Pálma style 7b

Route number 2 (on right boulder)
Overhanging, sit start, slopers
Crag | Vestrahorn |
Sector | Hafnarsteinar |
Stone | 8 |
Type | boulder |
First ascent | |
Markings |
Route number 2 (on right boulder)
Overhanging, sit start, slopers
Crag | Vestrahorn |
Sector | Hafnarsteinar |
Stone | 8 |
Type | boulder |
First ascent | |
Markings |
Route number 6
Overhanging, sit start, small holds/crimps, power moves
Crimptonite is the first route in the video
Route number 4
Overhanging, small holds/crimps, traverse, long moves
Hornkarl appears in the video, starting at 2:07
Route number 3
Good problem!
Overhanging, sit start, slopers, power moves
Hvalbak is the second route in the video, starting at 0:30